cultural food assets zine & citc fellowship


The Community in the Capital (CITC) fellowship program is a rigorous six-month program for fellows to build their skills in advocacy and communications, and increase their potential as AAPI social justice leaders. We learned about advocacy strategies, storytelling skills, and put these lessons into practice in Washington D.C. when we met with our Congressional state representative’s office.

As part of the fellowship, each fellow completed their own Community Action Plan project in their respective communities. My project was a zine that shared stories of the people and places that make up the cultural food assets of the Chinatown International District.

My hope is to find funding that would allow me to work with other artists and storytellers to expand the zine.


zine - photography, interviews, transcriptions, graphic design, oral presentation


Completed - June 2019


Cultural Food Assets Zine
Zine - PowerPoint Presentation